A set of questions that can be used as a jump off point for discussions and learning about computers the internet, and programming.
Theory Questions:
- What is assembly language?
- What’s the difference between a compiled and interpreted programming language?
- At a very high level, how do computers communicate over a network?
- what is the “emacs vs vi” discussion? What are emacs and vi?
- What is SSH? What is telnet? Why is ssh better than telnet?
Programming Questions:
- find and download emacs for windows.
- How do you delete a line?
- How do you go to the next line
- How do you paste the line you deleted above?
- How would you go to line 222 of a file?
- How do you save a file? 6 How do you create a new file?
- What is the ruby programming language? (use wikipedia, dude)
- What is ruby rails? Why are people so excited about ruby rails?
- download and install the ruby interpreter http://ruby-lang.org
- write a “hello world” program (first you have to figure out what that is) use emacs to do this
Database Questions
- What is SQL? What is it used for?
- How is information organized in a relational database?
- (challenge) Read and summarize the first chapter of “Data Base Design”
Unix questions
- You are going to need an ssh client for windows. I suggest “putty”, find it and download it
- create a an account on freeshell.org
- you’ll find emacs on freeshell, probably
- read and summarize the key ideas of the first chapter of “Learning the bash shell”. In your own words, what is bash and what does it do for you?
- figure out how to log into freeshell using ssh (putty) and how to set your shell to bash (the chsh command should help) type “man chsh” to get a MANual page of the ‘chsh’ command
- write a “hello world” program in bash shell (you’ll need emacs). using the web for help is perfectly fine here.
Web Questions
- What is HTML and how does it work?
- How is HTML related to XML?
- What is “javascript” and why is it considered a “web technology”?
- What is CSS and what is it used for?
- use your freeshell account to make yourself a website.