(This post builds on the work of Mike Hanson, Ben Adida, Dan Mills, and the mozilla community)
BrowserID is designed to be a distributed authentication system. Once fully deployed there will be no central servers required for the system to function, and the process of authenticating to a website will require minimal live communication between the user's browser, the identity provider (IdP), and the website being logged into. In order to achieve this, two things are required:
- Browser vendors must build native support for BrowserID into their products.
- IdP's must build BrowserID support to vouch for their users ownership of issued email addresses.
This post addresses #2, proposing precisely what BrowserID Support means for an IdP, and how it works.
BrowserID lets users leverage existing email addresses as the means by which they identify themselves to websites. Public key cryptography allows a user to identify themselves without requiring per-site user-names or passwords. A key design goal of BrowserID is that once fully deployed, no central 3rd party servers are required to facilitate the authentication of a user to a website. Specifically, the process of authenticating to website will be a detached two party transaction whereby a user is directly provisioned with a certificate from their identity provider which proves their ownership of a given email address. This certificate can then be used by the user's browser to generate an assertion which can be sent to a website to verify this user's ownership of the email in question.
In order for this system to work, existing identity providers (like gmail, yahoo mail, twitter, facebook, and countless others), would need to add features to their web applications. Concretely, the following are required:
- A declaration of support: An IdP must explicitly declare, in the form of a document hosted on their domain, that they support BrowserID.
- A public key: In order to allow 3rd parties to verify certificates issued by the IdP, they must publicly host the key with which those certificates are signed.
- Authentication webpage: A user must be able to interact with their IdP at the time that they are logging into a website to prove their identity to the IdP and establish a session.
- Provisioning webpage: A webpage must be provided which is capable of provisioning a user that is authenticated to the IdP with a certificate.
To make the above requirements more accessible, it's useful to walk through the interactions that occur during BrowserID authentication with a focus on the primary's involvement in the process.
First Time BrowserID Authentication with a Primary IdP (no session)
In this case the user, Bob, visits a website, myfavoritebeer.org, and wishes to authenticate.
- Bob clicks on a sign-in link on
. - Javascript on
. - BrowserID is invoked and spawns a sign-in dialog, prompting the user to enter their email address.
- The user types in
, and clicks sign-in. - BrowserID servers (or the browser) request a (cachable) resource from
to determine if it supports BrowserID:https://exampleprimary.org/.well-known/vep
returns a JSON formatted response that both indicates their support for BrowserID, and provides their public key and links to web resources which provision certificates.- BrowserID servers (or the browser) relay these links to the dialog
- The BrowserID dialog loads the provisioning URL in a hidden
to attempt to acquire a certificate for the user. - The BrowserID dialog communicates the user's claimed email address to the dialog which starts a provisioning attempt
- If the user is not currently authenticated, a failure response is obtained from the IFrame
- The BrowserID dialog redirects the user to the Primary authentication provider's authentication URL (changing the content and user visible URL of the dialog), conveying the email address chosen by the user, and the URL to which the user should be returned.
- The user interacts with the primary's web interface to authenticate.
- Once this interaction is complete, the primary redirects user back to BrowserID, still inside the dialog.
- BrowserID again loads the provisioning page in a hidden iframe, and interacts with it.
- The primary's provisioning code calls into the browser to generate a key-pair, signs the public key on their server, and returns the result to the BrowserID enabled browser or javascript shim via a browser provided javascript API.
- The BrowserID dialog uses the provisioned certificate to generate an assertion, return it to the webpage, and close.
In this case, the user has not recently visited exampleprimary.org
and thus does not have an existing authenticated session. In this
case, the user must authenticate inline during the sign-in
First Time BrowserID Authentication with a Primary IdP (with session)
A more ideal variation of the first case arises when the user has recently visited their IdP in their browser (which is likely if the provider is something the user visits often, like a social networking site or web-mail). In this case, step #8 completes successfully, and the flow skips directly to step #15.
Re-provisioning a Previously Verified Email Address
In this case the user has several email addresses in use with BrowserID, and selects one for which the provider has BrowserID support. The difference from the main case is in steps #1-#4. Rather than the user having to type in their email address, they'll select it from a list. Subsequent to this, the same flow as above applies (and varies depending on whether the user has an existing session).
Primary IdP Responsibilities
As discussed above, there are four distinct things an IdP must provide in order to become a primary identity authority for BrowserID. The following sections will explore these requirements in greater detail.
A Declaration of Support
In order to make it possible for the browser or BrowserID servers to
determine if there is primary support available for a given domain,
there must be a well-known location where an expression of support is
published. RFC 5785 proposes a convention for well-known
resources, such as that required by BrowserID, which is a .well-known
directory under document root. Applying this convention, primaries must serve a
JSON document under .well-known/vep
, for example:
"public-key": "<encoded public key>",
"authentication": "/browserid/auth",
"provisioning": "/browserid/provision"
This document should:
- be served from
- be served with a
- be provided over SSL.
NOTE: The file name vep
, is an acronym for Verified
Email Protocol, the standard which the BrowserID service from
Mozilla implements.
The top level keys present have the following contents and meaning:
- public-key is an encoded public key that can be used to verify that certificates issued from the primary are authentic.
- authentication is a path that serves web content that can be rendered inside the BrowserID dialog to allow the user to authenticate to the IdP.
- provisioning is a path to content that is capable of generating a certificate using an established session with the IdP.
Delegation of Authority
Many large organizations and web applications span multiple domains.
Mozilla's own web presence spans multiple domains, two of which are
and mozilla.com
. For large organizations, it's often
useful from and administrative and security standpoint to have
centrally maintained, shared infrastructure. To support this need,
BrowserID supports delegation of authority, the process by which
a domain explicitly delegates authentication and provisioning for
email addresses that fall under it to another host. Delegation
occurs when a authority
property is present in the declaration
of support which contains a domain name (in which case, all other
properties present are ignored).
For example, mozilla.org and mozilla.com might include the following
JSON file in /.well-known/vep
"authority": "browserid.mozilla.org"
In attempting to determine whether primary BrowserID support exists
for an email address lloyd@mozilla.com
, one would first pull
, upon discovery of delegated
authority, next one would check
Normal caching rules apply, and as with HTTP, clients should detect infinite redirection loops and may limit redirection to a reasonable maximum, like 5.
Provisioning Webpage
Web content hosted at the IdP's provisioning URL is designed to be loaded in a hidden iframe, and communicate with the content that loads it via an API supplied either by the browser or by a javascript shim when browser support isn't available. The API used by the provisioning page includes the following functions:
// A function invoked to fetch provisioning parameters, such as
// email and desired certificate duration.
navigator.id.beginProvisioning(function(email, cert_duration_s) { });
<span class="c1">// cause the browser to generate a key-pair, cache the private key</span>
<span class="c1">// and return the public key for signing.</span>
<span class="nx">navigator</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">id</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">genKeyPair</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="kd">function</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">pubkey</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span> <span class="p">});</span>
<span class="c1">// upon successful certificate signing, register the certificate</span>
<span class="c1">// with the browser.</span>
<span class="nx">navigator</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">id</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">registerCertificate</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">certificate</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="c1">// in the event of a failure, the provisioning code should</span>
<span class="c1">// invoke this function to terminate the provisioning process,</span>
<span class="c1">// providing a developer readable string</span>
<span class="nx">navigator</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">id</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">raiseProvisioningFailure</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">string</span> <span class="nx">reason</span><span class="p">);</span></code></pre></figure>
Provisioning web content should include the following javascript to provide the above functions:
Upon load, provisioning web content should immediately invoke
to indicate to the browser that
the provisioning process has begun, and to obtain provisioning
parameters such as the recommended certificate duration and the email
address the user would like to verify.
Once the email is obtained, the provisioning page can determine whether there is an authenticated session in the user's present browser that can be leveraged to confirm the user's identity. The criteria for whether such a session exists and the user may be silently provisioned with a certificate is up to the primary IdP who may use standard web sessioning mechanisms (like cookies).
As soon as it is determined that the user may be provisioned, the primary's
provisioning code should cause a key-pair to be generated by the browser by
invoking navigator.id.genKeyPair()
, providing a callback that will be called
with the encoded public key once the generation process is complete.
Once provisioning code has a public key, it should pass it up to IdP servers
for signing, and return the signed version to the client. Finally the
provisioning code should invoke navigator.id.registerCertificate()
with the
encoded certificate as a parameter to successfully complete the provisioning
If at any point an error is encountered during the provisioning process,
may be called with a developer
readable failure string to indicate to the browser that an error has occurred.
Authentication Webpage
The authentication webpage is displayed from within the BrowserID dialog after silent provisioning fails, and is intended to allow the user to provide authentication credentials to the primary as part of authenticating to a website.
The authentication page should be designed to work well on mobile devices and desktops. For the latter, the IdP may assume a resolution of 700 pixels by 375 pixels.
Upon load, the authentication webpage will be loaded with several pieces of GET data, including:
: The local part of the email address the user is attempting to use.return_to
: The URL that the user should be sent to after authentication
In the previous example, the loaded authentication URL may look like:
Once the user's interaction with the authentication dialog is complete, the
dialog should redirect to the URL provided in the return_to
GET parameter.
Subsequent to this interaction, the BrowserID dialog will re-attempt the provisioning process, and the results of that will indicate whether the user has successfully authenticated with the primary.
Data Formats
Above we avoid the important issue of data formats for certificates, public keys, and private keys. At the time of writing, we're working to finalize the specific cryptographic algorithms and encoding formats we'll be using. BrowserID currently uses RSA encoded in JSON Web Tokens. These choices are being revisited to attempt to come up with an algorithm and encoding that has adequate performance and security, ideally with mature and widely available implementations.
Next Steps
There are several open issues with this proposal, and by no means should it be considered final. The intention of this post is to open up our present thinking for discussion. Along with fielding community feedback and ideas, we'll now start prototyping an example primary to get a feel for implementation considerations and user experience, to allow us to refine the proposal.
Issues for further consideration
Inline authentication
One complexity of primary IdPs is that today, the flow of authenticating to a website becomes a three party transaction: BrowserID, primary, and website. There are many ways to transfer control from BrowserID to the primary once we determine that the email the user wishes to use is associated with a primary identity authority.
The mechanism that was chosen is to replace the BrowserID dialog with content from the primary. This decision has significant trade-offs to consider. The benefits of this approach include:
- The URL bar is displayed by the browser as usual, leveraging familiar anti-phishing UI.
- Primary content has full control over branding, how the user should be authenticated, and what sessioning mechanisms to use.
- The user need not find a different window and return to the dialog subsequently, which would raise UX problems.
- The protocol is highly portable.
Discovering the problems with the proposed approach is left as an exercise for the reader.
Division of Authentication and Provisioning
The above design breaks certificate provisioning into two distinct processes, implemented by two distinct web resources. These are authentication - the process of establishing an authenticated session with your primary - and provisioning - the process of obtaining a signed certificate.
This decision was made to minimize the duplication of code, and simplify requirements on primaries. There are several features of this approach worth consideration:
- Authentication code need not interact with any browser provided JavaScript APIs, nor include any cryptographic code
- Provisioning code need not include any styling nor provide any visible UI.
- Authentication code can refuse to be run in a frame.
- Provisioning code must run in a frame.
- In the case where an authenticated session does not exist, we'll perform provisioning twice.
- Browser caching and careful API design should mitigate downsides of multiple provisioning attempts.
vs. A Well-Known Return URL
When the authentication resource is loaded, it's passed a URL to send the user to upon completion
in the return_to
GET parameter. An alternative implementation would be to define this return
URL, making it well known. Benefits of return_to
include a means for the dialog to pass
temporal, non-sensitive state to itself, and a bit less specification to rev.
Errors during provisioning
The provisioning iframe can fail in a number of ways. It can send no response to the containing iframe, malformed responses, or it can try to frame-bust the BrowserID dialog.
For the first two cases, we should develop heuristics which can detect
runaway dialogs. One utility of navigator.id.beginProvisioning()
that it is expected to invoked at the time the provisioning code loads, which
give us an early indication that the provisioning code is
functioning as expected. Timeout heuristics can consider information like this
to robustly determine whether provisioning should be considered stalled.
As far as frame busting, a reasonable countermeasure may be to have the BrowserID dialog close upon unload with a failure, upon attempts by embedded code to frame-bust. Further, the iframe sandbox property can be used in browsers where it's supported.
Errors during authentication
Authentication code is in no way forced to redirect the user back to BrowserID as is designed. The countermeasure here is a combination of existing browser native mechanisms to help indicate to the user that something phishy is going on, combined with potentially a dynamic blacklist of known bad actors.
When BrowserID is implemented by browser vendors, several additional countermeasures become possible.
Several protocols are defined in this proposal. Drastic change can be handled by versioning of the support declaration document, which would obviate the need for more granular versioning.